Carroll’s Major League (Baseball) Impact in Athletic Training

作者: 蒂姆热带化脓性肌炎

发表日期: 1/11/2024

类别: Athletic Training F1RST杂志 健康科学 大学新闻

Bryce Hietpas ’20
你可能还不能把博天堂官方入口登陆登录称为美国职业棒球大联盟球队的农场俱乐部. 仍然, 在过去的几年里,有七名学生和毕业生加入了MLB组织, Carroll Pioneers are making their mark on the diamond. 最值得注意的是,四名运动教练在保持球员健康和生产力方面发挥着关键作用.

“卡罗尔的教授们做了一项了不起的工作,让我为在这个领域遇到的无数事情做好了准备,因为我们做了很多实际的工作,” said Bryce Hietpas ’20. “Working for a pro baseball team is a lot of work but very satisfying. 很高兴看到这么多博天堂官方入口登陆登录的毕业生也在做同样的事情.”

希帕斯先是在休斯顿太空人队实习,然后在底特律老虎队的多米尼加夏季联赛队找到了一份全职工作. 他的实习帮助他了解了棒球队的日常工作,以及对他们的运动教练的期望. It also gave Hietpas an advantage over his peers, a key component to Carroll’s success in placing graduates with MLB teams. 与职业棒球俱乐部建立渠道和关系是启动职业生涯的最佳方式.

“I interned with the Wisconsin Woodchucks (now Wausau Woodchucks), a collegiate summer baseball team, 但后来卡罗尔给了我在美国职业棒球大联盟匹兹堡海盗队实习的机会,这是我最重要的经历,” said David Archer ’19.

阿彻目前是堪萨斯城皇家队的小联盟运动教练. While the Pirates’ internship was huge for his development, 他说,卡罗尔的运动训练人员和教授让他很容易立即取得成功.

“在卡罗尔的每一天对我来说都是挑战,但这正是我今天所需要的. I was able to observe and learn from elite talent,阿切尔补充说. “最有价值的工具是课堂学习和现场报道的结合. 它帮助我更自如地掌握了高水平工作所需的技能.”

Before Archer and Hietpas took their talents to the pros, Brooke Boggs ’18 found her way to the Milwaukee Brewers organization. 对于Boggs, now with the Miami Marlins, the challenge was more significant, 5年前,在职业棒球队担任运动教练的女性也很少. 博格斯现在是业内资深人士,这充分说明了卡罗尔的项目和她的能力.

这三名学生都是卡罗尔以前的本科运动训练项目的产物. In 2020, 卡罗尔将其提升为运动训练理学硕士(MSAT)课程,以满足运动训练教育认证委员会(CAATE)的许可和专业标准变化。. 本科课程的实力和毕业生的成功帮助它顺利过渡.

“我们的运动训练学生已经学习了先进的技能和跨学科的方法,为他们应对任何情况做好准备,” said Athletic Training Program Director Jamie Krzykowski, Ph.D.迟到了,迟到了. “They take courses with physical therapy, occupational therapy and physician assistant students, work with medical doctors and help run our free rehabilitation clinic. All of it to understand the various ways professionals and patients function.”

卡罗尔的MSAT课程的综合哲学从一开始就专注于丰富的现实世界经验, giving students more than 800 hours of hands-on work. They get clinical practice in the first semester at Carroll, 然而,大多数课程在第三或第四学期开始为学生提供这种选择. It makes a difference when graduates need to step up to the plate. 今年早些时候,23岁的凯利·布朗(Kiley Brown)获得了运动训练硕士学位,目前在德克萨斯游骑兵队(Texas Rangers)工作.

从一开始, I felt confident in my rehabilitation strategies due to Carroll’s clinicals, which do a fabulous job of making you comfortable in your abilities,布朗说. “对我来说最有影响力的诊所之一是我们主办的免费骨科运动医学诊所. This allowed me to perform evaluations and create a rehab protocol. With Clinical Education Coordinator Dr. 在蕾西·鲁尼恩的指导下,我从错误中吸取教训,形成了自己的风格.”

Krzykowski stressed that “there's a very high demand for athletic trainers, and we ensure Carroll students have a leg up on their competition.“美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,到2030年,体育教练职位将增长23%. Job postings often describe signing bonuses, extra pay for overtime, tuition reimbursement and other perks to draw people in. 而大多数运动教练会与高中和大学运动队保持联系, 他们也需要在医生的做法和战术领域,如军事, 警察和消防.

当然, if you're at Carroll University, graduates are trending toward higher levels with MLB organizations. It’s no walk in the ballpark, 但巨大的满足感来自于在充满挑战的环境中取得成功,并帮助运动员实现他们的梦想.

“People are surprised by the time commitment. 这是六个, sometimes seven days per week for 11-12 hours per day stretching, taping up players, massaging sore bodies and working through rehab. It can be a grind,希帕斯说. “But I like the variety of the days and interacting with players and coaches. I’m very happy where I am.”

“I love the connections you make as an athletic trainer,布朗说. “You have an opportunity to play a huge role in these athletes’ lives, both in the rehab setting and as human beings. Friends ask what the players are like. 这很有趣,因为他们是普通人,看同样的节目,嘲笑别人做的同样的事情——他们只是碰巧是精英运动员.”

The inaugural MSAT class graduated in May of 2022, and students have had 100 percent job placement, a testament to everyone involved. 克里斯科夫斯基说,她为博天堂官方入口登陆登录的毕业生所做的一切工作以及他们如何迅速取得成功感到自豪, 但她也喜欢现在的学生在博天堂官方入口登陆登录改变生活的方式.

“我们帮助运营博天堂官方入口登陆登录康复运动诊所(CURE),为癌症患者和幸存者提供服务,这是由我们的临床运动生理学项目开发的,” said Krzykowski. “为他人服务并看到患者的感激会产生巨大的影响.”

That impact is felt by the Carroll athletic training students as well, first with the undergraduate program and now with the master's route.

“The faculty is fantastic, 小班授课真的能让你感受到被关心,而不仅仅是一个数字,布朗说. “我会向任何想要进入这个领域的人推荐卡罗尔的运动训练项目.”

“卡罗尔让我为职业运动做好了准备,职业运动有很大的压力和压力,迫使我适应,把我的一切都投入到工作中,阿切尔补充说. “它给了我一种目标感,让我每天醒来都感觉很棒.”

虽然他们都不会出现在集锦卷轴和棒球卡上,因为他们在幕后支持MLB组织, there are rewards if you love baseball.

“每年春训时,我都会看到像弗兰伯·瓦尔迪兹(两次入选MLB全明星,今年8月1日投出无安打)这样的球员。,希帕斯说. "我的天啊! I’m having conversations with these guys. 这种事我从没想过会发生在我身上,我欠卡罗太多了.”
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