BS Nursing

Badge graphic with text, Top U.S. Nursing Schools, 2021

If you’re interested in a career that affords you the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of individuals, families and communities, consider nursing. Nurses play an integral role in providing direct patient care as well as educating patients and their families, 所以他们很舒服,对自己的健康状况也很了解. 作为医疗行业最抢手的职位之一, 护士有很多就业机会, including roles in research, leadership and education. 卡罗尔提供了进入护理职业的三个切入点:副学士学位, 学士学位和硕士学位. 我们的课程是为成人学习者设计的. We enroll both traditional high school graduates as well as nontraditional adults who may have started out in a different career and decided nursing is for them. At Carroll, there is a pathway for anyone who wants to become a nurse and for those who want to advance their education.

An Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) ,双语者优先考虑. 

目前持有学士学位的候选人,可以考虑 MSN-Direct Entry 成为一名注册护士的课程.

One of the Top Programs
in the Country


Wilhelmina Zastrow '24

Nursing Major

“我选择这个项目是因为卡罗尔是一所非常受人尊敬的护理学校(it's #1 in our state),当我去那里的时候,我完全爱上了那里的护理机构. During my clinical, I found it challenging to think like a nurse while writing care plans. 我的教授们帮助我学会了如何批判性地思考, 想想用我的医学知识, essentially, think like a nurse. 在了解了如何写护理计划之后, 那时,我明白了作为一名护士,我对待每一个病人需要的思维方式.

卡罗让我明白了生活比我想象的要丰富得多. The nursing program has really helped me see different cultures, opportunities and ways to grow. Carroll has also helped push me out of my comfort zone and encouraged me to find my inner creativeness. Going to a liberal arts university has really helped me become a more well-rounded individual. I truly can now see from other perspectives and enjoy being able to have influential conversations with others.”

Nursing student Wilhelmina Zastrow

About the Nursing Major

Forge your own path in the healthcare industry after you complete your bachelor’s degree in nursing at Carroll University. You’ll learn basic nursing skills, 参与模拟教育, and work in clinical settings to further your expertise to prepare for a rewarding career. As you move through the program you’ll choose to focus your end of program capstone experience in areas such as medical-surgical, pediatric, palliative care, psychiatric or intensive care.

You’ll begin nursing courses and 参与模拟教育 and lab skill development, during your first year at Carroll. Nursing students are exposed to a supportive environment and develop close working relationships with faculty members and their peers throughout their time in the program. 虽然我们的护理程序很严格, students are encouraged to continue their outside interests and hobbies while pursuing their studies. We believe doing so keeps our students excited about becoming a nurse and allows them to contribute to their courses and clinical in a variety of ways.

The hands-on learning you’ll receive from your clinical placements exposes you to a variety of service areas and patients. Beginning your second year, 你将在长期护理机构工作, 主要照顾老年客户, and in the third and fourth year, you will transition to the medical-surgical units in acute care hospitals under the supervision of faculty and professional nurses. During your course of study, 你将观察病人并直接负责计划工作, 管理和管理两到三个病人的护理负荷. Your education culminates with a capstone experience where you’ll be required to work 120 hours in a healthcare setting at one of southeastern Wisconsin’s best health systems or one of your choosing. This provides you with the opportunity to advance your skills and network as you prepare to search for a professional position.


超越你所学领域的课程, 卡罗参加了我们的要求 跨文化体验成分. These experiences will allow you to learn about different cultures and give you the opportunity to travel and interact with diverse groups locally, nationally or internationally. Students majoring in the health sciences can use their cross-cultural experience to gain additional knowledge in healthcare. Groups travel on medical missions around the globe to provide care and interact with underserved populations in countries like Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico and Nicaragua. These unique immersive experiences will make you a desirable applicant for graduate programs or professional careers.


博天堂官方入口登陆登录为学生提供严格的课程, 以及课程教师的学术支持, faculty advisors, peer mentors, and Library Learning Commons tutors. One measure of the success of Carroll's nursing program is reflected in the pass rate on the NCLEX RN licensure exam. The Carroll University Nursing BSN Program is ranked well above the national and state average for percentage of graduates passing the exam. 在威斯康星州,2022年NCLEX的通过率为95%. 

— Joy Perry '19

Read Joy's story


道格和南希·哈斯德大厅是护理人员的重要住所, physics/engineering and exercise science programs as well as provides space for other academic classroom needs. Nursing students now have the ability to learn in state-of-the-art teaching and simulation laboratory facilities, 使他们更好地准备在临床环境中照顾病人.


the CCNE Accredited seal.
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Carroll University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.


Our nursing program proudly participates in two professional nursing traditions: our Pinning and White Coat Ceremony.

The Pinning Ceremony is a commitment to the hard work and dedication to their coursework, 在博天堂官方入口登陆登录期间的临床和专业. The pinning ceremony is offered to students who have completed their degree to become a registered nurse (RN). 这一转变标志着从学生到实践者的重要转变.

西格玛Theta Tau入会典礼将于5月6日上午09:30举行.m. 上午11:30举行护理别针仪式.m. CST.

你可以看今年的颁奖典礼 here.

我们从2014届新生开始了白大褂典礼的传统. The White Coat Ceremony matches the Carroll nursing program’s culture of welcoming and supporting one another in our work.

护校大四的学生给护校大二的学生披上了白大褂, 这是专业医护人员的象征, 说明并肯定了这一点, 教育之路充满挑战, but it is achievable. 每件外套还包括一个红色别针从阿诺德P. 黄金基金,上面写着“人文主义与卓越”.”

The ceremony takes place each fall and has become an event where students can celebrate the hard work they are about to embark on with faculty members, 他们的同龄人、家人和受邀嘉宾.

白大褂仪式将于2023年9月29日下午5点举行.m. CST.
你可以看今年的白大褂典礼 here.


我们帮助你建立真实世界的经验, 通过实习机会探索职业并与专业人士建立联系. 最近的招聘项目包括以下公司:

  • 梅奥诊所健康系统-方济各医疗保健
  • 退伍军人事务学习机会实习(VALOR)计划
  • Meriter Hospital Summer Externship
  • 麦迪逊的Agrace临终关怀医院,暑期实习


上大学是对美好未来的一项重大投资. 了解更多博天堂官方入口登陆登录专业所追求的行业和职业, 以及我们项目校友的工作场所和经历. See where yours may take you

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一个现代人的单色照片, empty hospital room with a bed, various medical equipment, 还有一扇可以俯瞰外面建筑的大窗户.



Carroll University celebrated as proud faculty and staff witnessed the graduation of their inaugural Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) class.

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卡罗尔将与圣. Augustine Preparatory Academy


Carroll University is pleased to announce a new partnership in which its Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) will be offered on site at St. 奥古斯丁预备学院(被称为“奥格预备学院”), a high performing K4-12 non-denominational Christian school located on Milwaukee’s south side.

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